Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Vital Right of Self-Defense

1.1 There are two rights enshrined in the United States Constitution, which I consider vital to a civilized society. These rights are guaranteed in the First and Second Amendments (1A and 2A):

1A: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

2A: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

1.2 These two amendments form the basis of our liberty as Americans. In 1A, we have freedom of expression. That is, American citizens can believe, say, study, write, publish, or gather to discuss, as well as peacefully protest, or present to the government, any fact or opinion they like.

1.3 The only restriction is that the expression not be physically threatening, as for example yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Also, incitements to violence, such as "kill those who insult Mohammed", are not guaranteed free speech. With the exception of physical threats, the government is restrained from prohibiting any expression of US citizens.

1.4 The Second Amendment also restrains the government. In 2A, the right of citizens to maintain and carry weapons, including but not limited to, firearms, is reserved to the people. The stated reason is to support a "well-regulated militia", and there is much debate about the meaning of this.

1.5 I suggest the debate over "militia", or the rest of the amendment, is irrelevant. The right to have weapons is based on self-defense. Without the right to self-defense, it is hard to imagine why we would need to defend the state. If we did not have the right to defend ourselves, what else could we defend?

1.6 Anyway the state is an extension of self, and family, and community. Therefore 2A should be read as a right to bear arms in defense of our selves, families, neighbors, and homeland.

1.7 Unfortunately, some of the states do not comply with this reasoning. They limit or prohibit the carrying of weapons by law-abiding citizens. This puts them at odds with the Constitution as well as common sense.

1.8 If I must have a license to carry a weapon in self-defense (2A), will I soon need a license to speak freely (1A)? I repeat that these two rights are fundamental to a civilized society, and I am proud that the Founders enshrined them in the Constitution.

1.8 Indeed, without a right to self-defense, it is hard to make sense of the Declaration of Independence' words, that "life" is an "inalienable right". Self-defense is a law of nature. Whether the rattlesnake's fangs or the cat's claws, all creatures that have enemies also have weapons, and are able to use them to effect. All organisms defend themselves- that is, if they want to live.

1.9 All people should be able and ready to defend ourselves, that is if we want to speak and act freely. Our precious right of free expression is guarded by the ability to defend it.

2.0 As for me, in America I have the freedom to burn a Qur'an, or a Bible, or a Flag for that matter; and the right to carry a weapon backs me up. Without weapons, I can do nothing but submit to any predator or tyrannical ideology. With a weapon, and with the weapons of my neighbors around me, I can live in relative safety, and fearlessly speak my mind.

2.1 To those who demand "gun control", who say we should not bear arms, I ask: who protects you? Is it not the thousands of men (and women) who do bear arms? Is it not those unappreciated ranks of armed citizens, who stand and fight, and sometimes die, for you? One of the ironies of American life is that pacifists are protected by gun-bearers.

2.2 I am speaking of police officers, and air marshals, and soldiers and sailors and Marines, and armed civilians also: all those who do "keep and bear arms", ready to defend this nation and the lives of their fellow citizens, including you who protest against "gun violence". Please take a moment from your pacifistic preaching to remember them, who bear arms so you do not have to.

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