Monday, March 22, 2010
Connections 2

Friday, March 19, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
No Self, No Fear 1
Sunday, March 14, 2010
J Edgar Billings, Ultd.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Crystal of Civilization
I Get Religion!
On Quote Mining and Freedom
Marry Rifqa!

Freedom of Expression and Self Defense
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Re: God Helps with Personal Decisions, Most Americans Say (Yahoo News)
Back then I would argue the most irrelevant issues, whether we were "born sinful" or if Jesus were God, instead of learning about the real world. Now, thanks to enlightened men like Voltaire, Paine, and,Darwin, I am free to think and speak the truth. I love nature and history, and don't give a rat's a*** for religiosity.
Now today I read that 82% of Americans still depend on a god. In the second decade of the 21st century, eight out of ten people I meet are in the Dark Ages! There is much teaching to do, get busy.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Spiritual Crystals and Free Thoughts

All of my science-speak has only one problem: it sounds bad. People do not like the word "Science", since it sounds too much like a religion, and that without smells and bells. "Atheism" sounds harsh and loveless. None of these words suffices to explain who I am.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Scientism, Church of Christ Style
The ongoing debate between creationism and evolution is really about a deeper question:can religion and science peacefully coexist? Can they be reconciled to each other?
Some people have tried to marry science to religion, or else to draw a treaty line between them. Examples of these approaches are Theistic Evolution, Intelligent Design; and NOMA, or Non-Overlapping MAgisteria.
Can religion ever be reconciled to science? Let us look at the facts.
| Religion | Science |
What is the Basis? | Unproven assumptions | Evidence |
Bases? | Assumptions: scriptures, dogmata, fatwas, experiences, feelings, etc. | Evidence: data, experimental results, photographs, fossils, etc. |
What is Basic Process? | Make unproven assumption, claim as Truth; retrofit evidence to assumption. | Examine evidence, draw conclusion; adapt conclusion to evidence. |
| Assumption <- Evidence | Evidence -> Conclusion |
Can it be Corrected? | No. | Yes. |
How to Correct? | --- | Present new evidence. |
Can it Change? | Not by debate. Must internally change. | Yes. |
How does it Change? | Reinterpret assumptions. This happens only when religion must adapt to society, or go extinct. | Present new evidence. Debate, examine evidence, draw new conclusion. |
Binding on Everyone? | Yes. | No. |
Results of Disagreement? | Debate, division, persecution, torture, etc. | Debate, search for new evidence. |
Results on Humanity? | Ignorance, superstition, magical thinking, prejudice, persecution, warfare, disease, sexual suppression, etc. | Longer life span, healthier children, freedom from disease, clean water, improved food, sexual freedom, etc. |
You may draw your own conclusions. If you would like further information, or to learn about Scientism, please contact: jegarbillings@yahoo.com
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Brookline/ Boston LTC
Some can, and do, carry in city
The article on gun permits was nicely written. But some finer points are missing. People who live in towns that have less stringent licensing requirements, such as Dartmouth, are able to carry statewide. That includes Boston. Just because Boston's regulations are more strict, that doesn't do much to reduce the number of people who can carry a concealed weapon in the city.
I am a Class A license-holder who does not live in Boston. However, my license allows me to carry concealed in any county in the state, Boston included. I have carried in Boston occasionally. Whether riding the T or attending a late-night show, I do so to protect my family. Boston's extra licensing requirements do nothing to stop the out-of-city resident from carrying in the city legally.
So what is needed is uniform licensing standards that apply statewide and are not altered or "interpreted" by overzealous police chiefs who are accountable to no one. The current system punishes and unlawfully restricts the residents of Boston from employing their Second Amendment rights while many other cities practice no such restrictions.
There was a comment from a police chief in your article:
"When you get a driver's license, you practice driving," says Sergeant Paul Cullinane, Brookline's identification/firearms licensing supervisor. "This is the chief's way of saying you need to get a little practice if you're going to get a license to carry."
Well, last I checked there was a constitutional right to bear arms. That right does not include restrictions as to the owner's proficiency.
Zack Aubut
New Bedford
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Platform 1
- 1. Freedom of Inquiry: the People have the right to ask, to study, to examine, and to record all public information.
- 2. Freedom of Expression: the People have the right to speak, to publish, to practice religion, and to gather in a civilized manner.
- 3. Right of Defense: the People have the right to defend themselves, their families, their neighbors, and their freedoms from predatory attack.
The Advent of Scientism
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Minuteman