We need people who will say "No!" to the insidious incursions and infringements, the stealthy war on our freedoms of religion, speech, and of the press. If an American wants to say "Allahu Akbar" I will stand for him. If another wants to say "Allahu Naq'bah" I will also stand (and cheer, but I am open to debate).
If someone wants to wave an Israeli flag; if another wants to fly a swastika; if yet another wants to burn the American flag: no matter what I think of the action, as long as he injures no one, I will stand for his freedom. We do have freedom; I will not tolerate any intolerance of it; I will fight for it.
To those who would refuse me the liberties guaranteed by our Founders: you may consider this a declaration of war. I would prefer a war of words, the clash of ideas only: but that depends on my opponent.
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