Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
let us eat and play, expend our coin;
For when we must the earth rejoin,
what will our dusty bones then treasure?
gives any sign of His Great Power.
Behold the bee courting the flower:
so life resolves to lust, and sod.
savor the food; embrace the lust!
While yet we breathe, let us live for pleasure,
let us eat and play, expend our coin;
For when we must the earth rejoin,
what will our dusty bones then treasure?
I am getting intrigued with Charvaka (Lokayata) philosophy.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Carvaka takes its name from its alledged founder, Carvaka, author of the (now lost) Barhaspatya Sutras. It is also commonly called Lokayata, or Material World-ism. In its pleasure-based ethos, Carvaka resembles Greek Hedonism and especially Epicurean philosophy. An oft-cited Carvaka saying has it:
While life is yours, live joyously;
None can escape Death's searching eye:
Whence once this frame of ours they burn,
How shall it e'er again return?
This follows closely the Biblical saying (1 Cor 15.32):
Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die.
The one difference, of course, is that the Bible condemns hedonistic behavior (cf. Isa 22.13) as offensive to God and worthy of judgment; Carvaka commends it as the raison d'etre. Now after half a lifetime of religious practice, including 10 years as a Bible-bellieving Christian and more as a practicing yogi, and with all due respect to patriotism and the Constitution: after all of that searching for truth, for meaning in life, I will go with Carvaka. I have also my own verse, adapted from the hoary Christian burial service:
Ashes to ashes; dust to dust:
Savor the food; embrace the lust!
So I began with strong Christian religion, then traveled through yoga and Buddhism. Yet, always guided by science, I was not satisfied with the gods and their "laws".
I beheld that life ends; we try to live, as everything tries to live, from the smallest microbe to the greatest whale: and that at last we all fail. As soon as a ball flies up in the air, it begins to fall, and even a baby is moribund.
There is not one speck of solid evidence for anything supernatural; deprived of hope, what shall I do? Shall I hope in humanity, in doing good deeds for others? They also perish! Shall I help the whole earth? The earth also perishes! As the song has it, "everything is dust in the wind".
What is the hope of this dust? Can this little temporary bundle of dust, this fancy mudpie, even speak of hope? Absurdity and obscenity! Religion and patriotism, all the pretenses of Great Principles, are adult fairy tales (unfortunately, not erotic ones), or like worshipping bones. Should I worship bones?
If people insist that the world and all beings were created in six days, by an invisible and inaudible God, or that we humans did not evolve from apes, and that somehow we are above nature- which is the basis of all religion, that we are supernatural- if they insist on the imaginary and absurd, why should I not worship bones?
At least, unlike supernatural symbols, bones remind me of what I really am: thinking matter. And bones are beautiful- especially with young female flesh growing on them!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Westboro Baptist Church people, who preach "God hates fags" and similar misanthropic messages, are nonetheless real Christians. If their church is not Christian, what about your church?
If hating gays means you are not a Christian, what if you hate Africans? What if you enslave them? In that case, the entire antebellum South was not Christian. What if you not only hate gays, but also witches; what if you not only hate them but burn them alive- can you be Christian? If people who torture and burn gays and witches cannot be Christians, then the entire medieval church was not Christian.
Is hating and burning gays and witches "extremism"? If so, then the entire medieval church, all of Western Christendom, was extremist. If hating and persecuting Jews ostensibly because "the Jews killed Jesus" is extremism, then most of Christian history is extremist.
Therefore whether we think they are "extremist" or not, whether we like them or not, the Westboro people are real Christians. Yet for all their hatred, at least the Westboro people do not fly airplanes into gay bars.
In Islam, even more than Christianity, people who take their religion seriously become "extremist". One could argue that the majority of Islam is "extremist". A brief Internet search of the phrases, "terrorist attack", and "honor killing", and "Mohammed cartoon fatwa" will show that serious Islam is a serious threat.
It does appear that religionists who take their teachings seriously, are also more "extremist". That is what is wrong with religion: the "extremists" are the real ones.
2. See how the Westboro man goes to his wife and hides behind her, and she takes up the fight. This is what is really wrong with America: not gay men, but disappearing men.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The image of the World Trade Center towers collapsing, to the tune of "Allahu Akbar" should be sufficient to show this; if not, an Internet review of the words and phrases, "pedophile priest", "creationism versus evolution", and "circumcision" will settle the matter. Religion has shown what it is good for: ignorance, barbaric warfare, abuse of women and children, and contradiction of everything good in human nature.
Religion, by which I mean faith-based beliefs that guide people, has even infected science. Some degreed scientists have even tried to forge a compromise with religion, saying that faith and rationalism can coexist and even cooperate in helping humanity.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The history of religion, and in particular of its more conservative sects, has shown that people of faith mistrust rationalim and especially the natural sciences: and well they should, for religion and science are essentially opposed.
As I have posted elsewhere,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
2. "You shall not bear false witness". Those who, without evidence, proclaim God or the supernatural, are false witnesses.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
If they do not like America, if they want Muslims and Mexicans to run all over the place, let them go to those countries. Their convenient PC insults to American patriotism are not wanted here.
If they do not like the Second Amendment, let them live without the police or army, or armed civilians like me. They would not last a minute without someone protecting them, yet they rail against "gun violence". Hypocrites!
They scream about "hate speech", while they themselves depend on freedom of speech. They want to silence their opponents, while they cling to the First Amendment. Hypocrites!
They give all kinds of concessions to Islam, and make every apology to Islamists, claiming freedom of religion. At the same time they despise Christianity and even attack Israel- and some of them are Jews. Hypocrites!
The worst thing they do: they deny reason. They refuse to see reality, even though it is right before them. They prefer their Postmodernist ideological delusions to plain reason. They claim to think, to be intelligent, but in their works they deny common sense and the rule of evidence.
Their academic arrogance is indefensible; they are intellectual poseurs. They need to turn from their pretentious ideology, and embrace Science.
Monday, November 15, 2010
a. The Constitution itself allows them to teach their nonsense. They have freedom of speech and of the press only because the Constitution says so, and because people defend their freedom with arms (1A and 2A).
b. Reason, which these Postmodernists deny, is the source of the Constitution. It is not "inspired" or "holy" or whatever their confused minds try to accuse us of saying. No rational person claims the Constitution is from God; that is a false accusation of the ignorant.
c. Resorting to false accusation and argumenteum ad hominem is the last resort of rationally defenseless people.
1.3 Also, again, they are hypocrites, for they depend on others to fight for them. They should respect our soldiers and police and armed civilians, instead of uttering foolish arguments against the defense of self and nation. They ignore the fact that pacifists are protected by gun owners.
1.4 However, in this they show that they cannot reason, for they will react with anger and pseudo-righteous sputtering when their pathetic positions are refuted. If they would once admit their error, they could become good citizens of a free nation, instead of accomplices of the enemies of freedom.
1.5 As it is, those who attack the Constitution are questionable citizens, at best. If they were in some foreign country, we could ignore them, but as I have said, these people and their indefensible anti-Americanism are in positions of power and influence. I sincerely hope that they will turn from their error and learn to respect reason and the laws of our land. Until then I am bound to contradict them, and I will.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
1.6 In the South it is not yet as strong as in the North, but it has its slimy tentacles spread everywhere. My brother died a few weeks ago, and he proclaimed Postmodernist spirituality on his deathbed. I vowed to spend the rest of my life destroying the disgusting parasite of Postmodernism.
1.8 Pain is universal and not subject to Postmodernist pretensions. It hurts, and no amount of sophomoric sophistry will make it stop. However, physical pain is nothing compared to the destruction of ideas. Therefore the best way to defeat Postmodernism is aggressive engagement.
1.5 What we do have is a gorgeous, gory, glorious natural world, the world in which we live, in short: the real world. "Truth is stranger than fiction", and reality is more spiritual than religion. This could be called scientific spirituality.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Where are the Men? 2
Innocent of God: Dividing from the Religious
1.2 Okay that's it. I have been trying so hard to be nice; that's my fault. So here goes. I am not a Christian anymore; I do not have to be "patient and kind". But at least I know to listen while my opponent speaks. Now I shall speak.
1.3 If anyone, anyone of any religion, claims that there is God in the universe, I demand evidence. Do not give me any clever argument; I want hard, scientifically verifiable proof of the supernatural. I demand evidence of God.
1.4 Otherwise, without any evidence, you are accusing my beautiful, natural universe of an unnatural God. You are accusing nature of a being who does everything evil and stupid, and I do know the verses. Try Deu 25.11-12, or Num 31.18, for starters. There's lots more.
1.6 This is evidence that the Bible is messed up, and the God of the Bible should be locked up. If God were here I would execute him.
1.9 Anyone who accuses another of a serious crime must show evidence, or be guilty of slander. Do you slander the universe with God? The Bible says, "You shall not bear false witness."
Friday, November 12, 2010
Men of the West, Arise
1.2 While the rest of the world has no trouble with slaying its enemies at a slight, we in the West allow our avowed enemies to run rampant, to destroy our culture and violate our women. And we are proud of our "tolerance"!
1.4 In fact, there is no "strength through peace"; peace and strength likewise are the result of preparedness, of readiness to fight. Those who are to "tolerant" (passive) to fight for themselves depend on the rest of us for protection. Whether they like it or not, pacifists are protected by gun owners.
AINOs, Americans In Name Only
1.3 Although the moonbats will deny it, their works show they hate America and all civilization. They secretly want to destroy the Constitution and our freedoms; they are AINOs, Americans in name only.
1.5 So if the AINOs do not like me, I do not care. If they do not like this nation, and this includes European self-haters also: if they do not like Euro-American civilization, our values and our laws, they can get the hell out. Let them go to Saudi Arabia or Iran, wherever. AINOs are not welcome here.
1.7 For example: whoever says "we are not now, nor ever will be, at war with Islam" is either grotesquely ignorant or criminally mendacious. Islam has been warring with civilization since the 7th century. Islamists have attacked and violated every nation they enter, and they are here now. The World Trade Center atrocity by itself should show that we are are engaged in stern and merciless war with Islam.
1.9 The Islamists conquer not by reason, for Islam (Submission) is indefensible in an enlightened culture. Islam conquers by the sword, by rape and by devastation. Therefore not only the United States, but all free nations, are in fact at war with Islam. Whoever aids and abets, or gives aid and comfort to our enemies, is a traitor; and whoever denies or "tolerates" Islamic jihad is an American in name only.
2.1 They want us to accept everyone, regardless of how they got here or what they carry into our homeland. For illegal entry to the American States is not immigration at all; it is nation-scale home invasion.
2.2 AINOs say we should be "compassionate" toward invasive illegals because of their poverty. We should learn their ways and communicate in Spanish (or Swahili or whatever). This is like welcoming and cooperating with criminal home invaders. Would the AINOs welcome robbers and rapists into their own homes? Yet that is exactly what they want us to do.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Innocent of God
Disciples of Truth
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Ortho America
1.2 The aggressive primitives and their useful idiots (usids), in their present condition, are pests and parasites. Ideally, with sufficient instruction, they could learn to cherish our values, such as free expression and self defense (US Constitution, Amendments I and II, cf. XIV.).