Friday, November 19, 2010


1.1 Why do I get along fine without any belief in anything beyond this world? I am sure that there are no ghosts, gods, or anything supernatural. I could be wrong, but it is the burden of the one who claims God to show evidence. If someone shows me evidence, I will say their way is right. Until then, the universe is innocent of God.

1.2 Why do I get along well and enjoy life, without anything supernatural? The study of nature itself gives me feelings that most people (and myself in an earlier time) would call "spiritual". I cannot find a better word for how I feel when studying the creatures living in a piece of coral, for example, or the sublime sound of a spring.

1.3 Without reference to anything supernatural, these things bring me to a place others would call "spiritual experience". Also this happens when I listen to Gregorian or especially Orthodox chant- I feel very "spiritual" even though I have no use for their gods.

1.4 So then: if I, and I think others also, can have spiritual experiences apart from anything supernatural, why do we need the gods? They only hinder human progress, and incite people to torture and kill one another. The time of God has past; the time of Science is here.

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