1.1 In AD 732, at the Battle of Poitiers, the Frankish king Charles Martel defeated the Saracens. He pushed the Islamist forces back to the Iberian Peninsula. It was not until 1492 that the Islamists were completely expelled from Europe, but for the next 700 years the pestilence of Islamism was contained in Spain and Portugal. Thus the heart of Europe was spared.
1.2 Charles Martel had a comrade-in-arms named Ogier le Danois. His name translated to Holger the Dane, or in the original language, Holger Danske. Although Holger Danske was an historical personage, little is known about him, and most of what has been written is partially legend.
1.3 According to the chronicles of his life, Holger had battled against the Franks when they invaded Danish territory. But in 732, the menace of the Moorish hordes made him put aside his differences with Charles Martel, and engage with him in fighting their common enemy.
1.4 As he neared the end of his days, Holger Danske retired to a secluded castle keep. There he fell into a twilight sleep, from which he would awaken in the hour of his country's need. The time has come for him to arise. Holger Danske Vagner.
1.5 But where is the spirit of Holger Danske now, in reality? If his spirit does not reside in the
men of Denmark, then where is Danish manhood?
1.7 In Denmark, the home of Holger Danske, the same thugs commit over 60% of the rapes. This is even more disturbing when we consider that the percentage of immigrants and their offspring is about 3 to 5% in these nations. Clearly, Islamists are targeting European women with a vengeance. Where is our vengeance? Where are Scandinavian men? Are any of you angry yet?
2.4 Of course Western civilization is better; that is why immigrants come here (except those who want to impose their backward ways on us). We have, and must retain, freedom of speech and of religion, the right to say something "offensive" without fear. We have the right to say "Mohammed molested a 9 year-old girl", and not be persecuted for the truth.
3.6 In the US, there are almost 300,000,000 firearms in private hands. This is far more than the number of adults in the country. We have the steel, but do we have the will? A man with a gun is useless unless he is willing and able to use the weapon. Otherwise the firearm, and the man, both gather dust.
1.8 The same infuriating story repeats itself in the Netherlands, in France, in the United Kingdom, and elsewhere in Europe. In France, gang rapes have become so common that they have a nickname: tournante, or "taking turns". In the UK, "Asian" gangs methodically seduce girls as young as 11, rape them, and then force them into prostitution.
1.9 As far away as Australia, Islamist gangs attack non-Muslim women. The attackers excuse themselves by saying that infidel women are whores, sexual toilet paper, to be used and discarded. It is time these thugs themselves were discarded. Once again, where are the male protectors?
2.0 In the United States, this ugly pattern of Islamist brutality is starting to repeat itself. Somali gangs in Minnesota have begun abducting young women and prostituting them, or even selling them as sex slaves. If Europe is any guide, the gang rapes will soon begin in the "land of the free".
2.1 In addition to attacks on Western women, Islamists oppress their own women in every possible way: through intimidation, beating, genital mutilation, rape, and the perpetual place of second-class citizens. In the Qur'an it is written, "your wife is your tilth..." Muslim women are pieces of property to be "tilled" by men. But even they are better in the eyes of Islamists than Western women. Infidel women do not show proper veiled submissiveness to men. Therefore they are the fairest of game.
2.2 Not only rapes, but robberies, assaults, and other crimes are committed by what the multiculturalists keep calling "immigrants". Anyone who speaks against this assault on Western civilization is branded a "racist". I do not care if anyone calls me a racist; if speaking the truth makes me a racist, then so I am [1]. I will continue to speak the truth until my last breath.
2.3 Now hiding underneath all this violence and disorder, is the monster of multiculturalism. The idea that all cultures are equivalent, that Euro-American culture is no better than any other, and that we should adjust to others' values, would be ridiculous if it were not so venomous.
2.5 Speaking the truth does not "incite violence"; thugs incite themselves to violence, and deserve what they get. But here again, the men of the West must wake up, rise up, and stand against the enemy. This is our place, our duty as men, and if we ignore it, we have only ourselves to blame for the assault on our liberties, our culture, and our women.
2.8 The moronic myth that all cultures are equally valid, has finally been rejected by the President of France Nicholas Sarkozy; German Chancellor Angela Merkel; Spain's ex-Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar; Australia's ex-Prime Minister John Howard; and most recently, by British Prime Minister David Cameron. These world leaders all agree: multiculturalism has failed.
2.9 With what shall we replace it? I suggest that we establish a society based on the right to free expression, including freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, and of peaceful assembly for demonstration or protest. There are certainly many other rights after this, but the most immediately necessary is the right to self-defense, which includes keeping and bearing arms. Without free expression and self-defense, there can be no freedom at all. But I digress.
3.0 These people, who refuse to assimilate but rather want us to be assimilated, are no more than thugs. It does not matter what religion they profess, or whether they feel oppressed, or what any of the multicultural elite say: they are nothing more than thugs. We as men must oppose them.
3.1 The original Thugs were an Indian secret society that murdered and robbed people in caravans. They were devotees of the goddess Kali, and believed (contrary to other Indians) that she required human sacrifice. They terrorized the desert roads until the British, in the early 1830's, discovered and eradicated the Thugee cult.
3.2 Today, we again have thugs infesting our society. Often, as in olden times, they practice their crimes in the name of religion. All too often, they insinuate themselves among us, seeming to be friends. They then commit atrocities, which even the original Thugs did not.
3.3 However the real problem is not Islamists or any other thugs. The problem is us: men who have forgotten, or even denied, that one of our basic purposes is to kill predators, especially those who attack our families. Today our family is the entire civilized world, and the predators are among us.
3.4 We men are designed to deal with predators. We have approximately ten times as much testosterone as women; we are much larger and stronger than they are. And as the feminists keep reminding us, we are much more inclined to violence. We have the flesh, but where is our spirit?
3.5 Where, indeed, is Western manhood? When Scandinavian women have to dye their hair, or even put on veils, to avoid assault by immigrants, where are we? When everyone is afraid to walk the streets after dark, where are we? When Muslim women in our nations are killed by their own fathers for the sake of "honor", where are we? When thugs of all persuasions and perversions, run the streets with no fear of the police and no respect for civilized people, how can we claim to be men at all?
3.7 Guns are not the ultimate weapons, anyway; manly courage and determination have far more power. Yet in the Western nations, I see wimpy, panty-whipped men, afraid to stop the barbarian hordes, or even speak against them, because they are afraid of...what? the multicultural ideologues? ostracism by ignorant sycophants? what women will say? Such men have lost their manhood. Perhaps they should check if it is really there.
3.8 Perhaps, indeed, Western men need a drop of Eastern blood. Whatever we may say about the Islamists, they are not afraid or ashamed of their manhood. They are devoted to their culture, strong in their beliefs, tough in combat, and willing to run into the battle.
3.9 The West needs men willing to run into the battle, to be "offensive", willing to take whatever the enemies of freedom throw at us. The future of our families, of our nations, and of civilization depends on us. Holger Danske Vagner!
[1] See Why I am a Racist
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