1.1 In the USA currently, we have Black Pride, Gay Pride, and various movements for other groups, all seeking to raise the self-esteem of their members, and to empower them. And this is good.
1.2 We should encourage people of all races, creeds, and orientations to associate freely, assemble peacefully, and speak their minds. All of this is guaranteed by the US Constitution, and we should applaud these Pride groups for their ambition, as well as their obedience to the Constitution. I wish them all the best.
1.3 One thing does seem to be glaringly absent, however: any movement for what I will call White Pride. While every other group is allowed to call attention to its values or accomplishments, white people are either not interested, or not permitted, to do so [1]. Therefore, in this essay, I mean to raise consciousness of the value and accomplishments of white (or Euro-American) people.
1.4 Do not misquote me. I am not promoting any silly or seditious groups of supremacists. I am not speaking of any anti-whomever movement. It is not necessary anyway to demean others, in order to praise the many achievements of Euro-American peoples.
1.5 Let us right now dispose of the most common criticisms of White Pride. First of all, the idea that White Pride must mean supremacism: there is no necessary association with the Neo-Nazis or anyone else. Just as Americans can be proud without demeaning other nations, so white people can be proud without denigrating other ethnic groups.
1.6 The more devious objection is that White Pride is not equivalent to, for instance, Black Pride, because white people are not oppressed as blacks have been. However, if this is true, then Asians and others must not form Pride groups, because they are not currently oppressed. Or do the ideologues who object this way, think that white people have never been oppressed? Criticism of White Pride, as such, is not valid reasoning; in fact, arguments which single out white people are themselves prejudicial.
1.7 Having put prejudice aside, we find that historically, Euro-American people have done uncountable good things. Of course, they have certainly done evil in many cases; but that can be said of other ethnic groups also.
1.8 Consider the benefits brought by white people to the whole world. They have invented, created, composed, discovered, realized, written, and built a tremendous part of the knowledge and culture, through which all people have been blessed. White people have built hospitals, provided food, inoculated against disease, and educated untold millions. Of these accomplishments they have a right to be very proud.
1.9 Specifically, Euro-Americans are responsible for the discovery of evolution, the invention of devices such as the printing press, the light bulb, the refrigerator, the railroad train, the cures for smallpox and many other diseases, modern hygiene, and of course the computer and Internet. The United States Constitution is the product of Euro-American thought. There is not enough space here to list the beneficent, labor-saving and sometimes life-saving inventions of white people. White Pride is an extremely valid concept.
2.0 Thus I find it strange that there is not yet an established movement, celebrating the accomplishments of the Euro-American peoples. Perhaps indeed they are afraid of that deadly, silencing slur, "racist". Perhaps they just do not care about their heritage. If so, it is a shame.
2.1 It even seems that the white peoples of the world do not care if they go extinct. Of the entire world population in 1914, 32% was white. That figure is now 18%; moreover, the global birthrate per white woman is approximately 1.4 , far below the replacement level of 2.1. This is less than the birthrate of any other group. For instance, Mexicans in the US have a birthrate of 2.9 children per woman. By 2042, white people will be a minority in America. All over the world, Euro-Americans are becoming an endangered ethnic group.
2.2 In fact, if white people were any other kind of animal, environmentalists would be alarmed and would fight for their protection. However, the real shame is that Euro-Americans themselves are more concerned with la dolce vita and multicultural delusions, than preserving their own race [2].
2.3 There is really no word for what Euro-American peoples are doing to themselves; perhaps it could be called geno-suicide. If the white race does become extinct, it will be their own fault. Their lack of fertility, and shame-faced ideology, will have been their destruction.
2.4 There is no reason to be ashamed of white skin! any more than one should be ashamed of black or brown skin, or homosexual orientation, or Jewish ethnicity. Incidentally, one more group that deserves praise, and rarely gets it, is the Jews.
2.5 I have had opportunity a local hospital, built and funded entirely by Jews. These are the most philanthropic people imaginable. Also, Jewish scientists, doctors, and others have earned a very large proportion of Nobel prizes, compared to their population. Jews are benefactors of the whole world.
2.6 In short, people of all ethnic groups have qualities of which they can be proud. On behalf of white, Euro-American people, I am proud of our culture and accomplishments. We have a right to stand up for our values and traditions. We have a right to White Pride.
[1] See Broken English, Broken Nation
[2] See Why I am a Racist
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