Steven Jay Gould is a scientist at Harvard. He recently published an idea called Non-Overlapping MAgisteria, or NOMA.
NOMA means simply that religion and science do not really contradict, but complement each other in different parts of life. Therefore the conflict between religion and science is an illusion. Rationalists can break bread with "people of faith" (POF's).
To quote Arnold Schwarzeneggar, in Terminator (I), "Wrong." First of all, the POF's won't let that happen. They oppose the scientific at every step, even torture and kill us (Hypatia, Galileo), poison our children (and their poor children as well) with every kind of religious lie; and above all, they took my movie.
That wonderful docudrama, Creation, is censored in the USA. To see it, I must go to the Northeast, LA, or one of the very few independent theaters that dare to show it. Most theater companies are afraid of the patriotic, freedom-loving POF's.
Therefore, for taking my foreskin, and crippling my sex life, I am writing this blog. For the wasting of decades of my life in religulous la-la land, I am writing this blog. For all the Amina and Sarah Saids, girls raped and murdered by POF's, and the uncountable multitudes of precious people who have suffered and died under religion and all superstition, I am writing this blog.
Because of the Jesus Rifles, and all the "Christian soldiers" who hold the Bible over the Constitution, I am writing this blog. Because of "Intelligent Design", the Creation Museum, and the jihad taqiya affirmative-acting multicultural postmodernist pacifistic, hoplophobic, photophobic darkness of this dark world, I am writing this blog.
Because they took my movie, dammit, I am writing this blog. No more compromises; no more NOMA. I, John Billings, judge the gods.
The gods are guilty of myriad atrocities against humanity, but they are first of all guilty of being ridiculous. For if I tell you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world, you will surely disagree. If I change the Creator's name to Zeus, or Ra, or Ishtar, I hope you will also disagree. Maybe you will even laugh.
But if I say, "Jesus Christ is Lord", or "There is no God but Allah", you may well agree and even defend the statement. You might even literally explode for the sake of your God,
and take other people with you.
For this "God", whom you do not know, you would kill precious people, whom you do know. I do not judge you, because like me you were deceived from a child. But the gods of unreason: them I do judge.
Let us grow up now. Let us leave Jehovah, Christ, and Allah with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Let us (with all due respect) shelve the Bible and the Koran with the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Legend of Beowulf. Let us study the brightness and newness of natural science.
I know you can do this, that you can use reason. Imagine a car that gets 15 miles per gallon of gasoline, and another car that gets 30 mpg. If the cars are otherwise similar, and I ask, "which car do you want?" you will choose the 30 mpg model (unless you believe in wasting fuel and polluting the environment). Excellent! This means you can apply critical reasoning; you can think.
You are intelligent, maybe even brilliant. You have found the path of Scientism.
What then is Scientism? Simply, the realization that all of your life, from sexuality to spirituality, is amenable to reason and the scientific method. No matter what is happening in your life, whatever problem or question you may have, science will provide the best answer.
To claim otherwise, as some do, is simply to deny reason. If there is another way to truth than through science, what is it? Show me intuition, mystical knowledge, "past life regressions", that I may believe. But once you have shown me, you will have shown a solid body of evidence: you will have used science!
This would be wonderful, that you could use the light of science to illuminate a mystery. May you forever embrace the light.