Dear A,
I am opening this after some careful thought. You are the first person to view this blog. A few notes are in order, should you desire to read the posts:
1. The posts are like strata in the Grand Canyon. As you go down, you go back in time. Please be aware that my intellectual evolution is just that: evolution, an ongoing process and not a "creation".
2. In connection with 1., I accept only the best available data/information as evidence.
3. I will accept any proposition, for example that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world, or that Jesus Christ loves me, given sufficient data.
4. This blog is currently entre nous. Thanks. J
I view the world in a new way. In fact, I appear to be establishing a novel paradigm: rationalism. I am aware of the Enlightenment, which began approximately in 1700 CE, and from which our US founders developed the Constitution.
I could write a book on this (once I would have said "sacred") document, which is in the top 10 valuable documents in history, but an essay on the US Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, will have to wait for another time. I also would love to discuss the Enlightenment, and how it has immeasurably helped humanity, both secular and religious. Right now, however, a more pressing matter demands my attention.
The Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," John 1.1. The original Greek text is shown in the image above.
This logos, or word, actually means logic. It originally did not mean Jesus or any other deity, but the universal reason, the raison d'etre, of the cosmos. This logos, as logic, dwells in our minds; in fact it is close to the essence of human consciousness. From a personal point of view, logos is the ability to think.
During much of Western history, the standard of proof was Roma locuta causa finita. This means, roughly, "The Pope has spoken; case closed." Indeed, for most of human history, some religious or political organization has wielded intellectual and spiritual power over the people. It has been Roma locuta, or Rex locuta, or Presbutera (the Elders) locuta, or Scriptura (the Bible) locuta...
What a plague of locutas! There is even a new species: "Korana" locuta...Enough with the locutas; I am calling pest control.
I am therefore ethically required to propose a counterpoint: a sort of anti-locuta. Since we all can use reason, which a priori establishes factual, natural information (data) as the standard for evidence leading to proof; no matter what our parents demand, or preachers declare or politicians decide, we are amenable to reason. We can in fact think.
Therefore, in the elegance of simplicity: data locuta causa finita.
When the facts have spoken, the matter is settled. Every belief and action is subject to critical inquiry, the scientific method, and plain reason. Every truth claim must be rooted in evidence.
I say these things after decades of study, experience, and debate. We can all apply reason, and with practice apply it consistently, so there is no excuse (for me or anyone else) to utter egregious errors such as "Jesus is the only true Way" or "Islam is a peaceful religion" or "rape is not about sex" or "guns murder" or "affirmative action" or "true love waits" or "this crystal bowl will balance your Energy" or "the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world." No excuse, I say.
What others believe personally is one thing; I have no quarrel with it. I myself enjoy listening to Byzantine chant. An excellent example can be found at this link:
Personal beliefs are personal, but if anyone says, "you" or "we" or makes an absolute statement, more especially if they reference the supernatural, without any evidence, there is a logical issue.
It has been over 300 years since logos was fully revealed as the path to truth. It is time for the human race to get over the gods. It is time we put our statues and holy books on the shelves of history where they belong. It is time for us to grow up. The way of reason and science is clear and open to all.
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