The cure for evil is reason, and particularly science: drawing logical conclusions from the facts of nature. There is nothing, no problem of human making, and few problems of nature's making, that cannot be solved or at least ameliorated by reasoning and the application of science.
This bright message, the photeinangelion, is the word of reason. It is the true light, coming into a dark world. The light will pierce the darkness, until there is no darkness but only light.
Once I had a god, a soul, and lifetimes to spare; now I have no gods, no soul, and this life only. Once I imagined fairies at the bottom of the garden; now I see the garden clearly, and it is beautiful more than I can describe. Now my only creed is data locuta causa finita, and it is more than enough to live by.
To you who read this, I ask: try to live in the light of reason for five minutes. For this small fraction of an hour, make yourself god-free. Accept only data, facts of nature; and apply rational thinking to whatever comes to your attention. Now what do you see?
I would like to see the movie Creation. This is a major motion picture about a very major subject, evolution; it stars, among others, the lovely Jennifer Connelly; it has received rave reviews in the UK and Canada.
But I cannot find Creation in the USA, except for Boston, NY, and LA. Everywhere else, all across America, the movie is censored. Apparently the religious would not stand to hear this information, this confrontation between their cherished beliefs and scientific evidence. Too bad; I'm here and I am not going to be quiet.
After everything else they have done in the name of religion (and the list is long and ugly), they had to take my movie. After everything else, that is why I am writing this blog. I am writing Data Locuta as an antidote to the intellectual poison of irrationality: an inoculation against parasites of the mind.
Consider this blog an oasis of light, a spring of reason, where your mind may drink the clearest and purest water. I claim no special ability, nor do I have any advanced education. What I do have is an inexhaustible hunger for the truth: to know what really is.
If there is a better way to know what really is than through reason, through the application of scientific method, I wish someone would show me. There may be a superior way to know what really is, than through the rational mind. Of course, if you have a better way, you will have to prove it- you will have to use reason.
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