PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) uses pudenda power very effectively:
People continually complain about these ads, which simply spreads them far and wide. More controversy, more popularity, more power.
Sex ads work even better when they include symbols of violence such as blood, which PETA also does. They also use dead animals, women apparently beaten or wounded, and suggestions of cannibalism. For this people keep criticizing them, and more people keep watching.
There are even women who use their bodies directly to influence men to become vegetarians.
"PETA’s founder and president, Ingrid Newkirk, agrees that vegans smell fresher. (“There’s science to prove it,” she says.) But Newkirk is all about the recruiting, even if it means one convert at a time. “When my staff members come to me and say: ‘Guess what? My boyfriend, now he’s a vegan,’ I say, half-jokingly: ‘Well, it is time to ditch him and get another. You’ve done your work; move on.’ ”
I need to study women's techniques.
They cannot use guns in PETA ads, of course, or very young women, but I have no such limitations. I will do whatever is needed (and not unethical according to my present understanding) to spread Scientism.
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